This Policy applies asbetween you, the User of this Website and TraxRecord Limited theowner and provider of this Website. This Policy applies to our useof any and all Data collected by us in relation to your use of theWebsite.
1. Definitions andInterpretation
In this Policy thefollowing terms shall have the following meanings:
“Data” meanscollectively all information that you submit to the TraxRecordLimited via the Website. This definition shall, whereapplicable, incorporate the definitions provided in the DataProtection Act 1998;
“Cookie” means asmall text file placed on your computer by this Website when youvisit certain parts of the Website and/or when you use certainfeatures of the Website. Details of the cookies used by this Websiteare set out in Clause 12;
“TraxRecord” meansTraxRecord Limited of London, United Kingdom;
“UK and EU CookieLaw” means the Privacy and Electronic Communications (ECDirective) Regulations 2003 as amended by the Privacy andElectronic Communications (EC Directive) (Amendment) Regulations2011;
“User” means anythird party that accesses the Website and is not employed byTraxRecord and acting in the course of their employment;and
“Website” means thewebsite that you are currently using (www.Certify.DDirect) and anysub-domains of this site (e.g. subdomain.www.Certify.Direct/Page_Login.awp) unless expressly excluded by theirown terms and conditions.
2. Scope of this Policy
This Policy appliesonly to the actions of TraxRecord and Users with respect to thisWebsite. It does not extend to any websites that can be accessedfrom this Website including, but not limited to, any links we mayprovide to social media websites.
3. Data Collected
Without limitation, anyof the following Data may be collected by this Website from time totime:
1.1 name; 1.2 date of birth; 1.3 gender; 1.4 job title; 1.5 profession; 1.6 contact informationsuch as email addresses and telephone numbers; 1.7 demographicinformation such as post code, preferences and interest; 1.8 financialinformation such as credit / debit card numbers; 1.9 IP address(automatically collected); 1.10 web browser typeand version (automatically collected); 1.11 operating system(automatically collected); 1.12 list of URLsstarting with a referring site, your activity on this Website, andthe site you exit to (automaticallycollected); and 1.13 Qualificationsdetails pertaining to Certificates/Diploma's awarded, including yourpersonal identification as registered whenobtaining the qualification.
4. Our Use of Data
1.1 Any personal Datayou submit will be retained by TraxRecord. 1.2 Unless we areobliged or permitted by law to do so, and subject to Clause 5, yourData will not be disclosed to third parties. This does not includeour affiliates and / or other companies within our group. 1.3 All personal Datais stored securely in accordance with the principles of the DataProtection Act 1998. Fore more details on security see Clause 11below. 1.4 Any or all of theabove Data may be required by us from time to time in order toprovide you with the best possible service and experience when usingour Website. Specifically, Data may be used by us for the followingreasons: 4.a.1 internal recordkeeping; 4.a.2 improvement ofour products / services; 4.a.3 transmission byemail of promotional materials that may be of interest to you; 4.a.4 contact formarket research purposes which may be done using email, telephone,fax or mail. Such information may be used to customise or update theWebsite.
5. Third Party Websitesand Services
1.1 TraxRecord may,from time to time, employ the services of other parties for dealingwith matters that may include, but are not limited to, paymentprocessing, delivery of purchased items, search engine facilities,advertising and marketing. The providers of such services haveaccess to certain personal Data provided by Users of this Website. 1.2 Any Data used bysuch parties is used only to the extent required by them to performthe services that TraxRecord requests. Any use for other purposes isstrictly prohibited. Furthermore, any Data that is processed bythird parties shall be processed within the terms of this Policy andin accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998.
6. Links to OtherWebsites
This Website may, fromtime to time, provide links to other websites. TraxRecord has nocontrol over such websites and is in no way responsible for thecontent thereof. This Policy does not extend to your use of suchwebsites. Users are advised to read the privacy policy or statementof other websites prior to using them.
7. Changes of BusinessOwnership and Control
1.1 TraxRecord may,from time to time, expand or reduce our business and this may involvethe sale and/or the transfer of control of all or part of TraxRecord. Data provided by Users will, where it is relevant to any part of ourbusiness so transferred, be transferred along with that part and thenew owner or newly controlling party will, under the terms of thisPolicy, be permitted to use the Data for the purposes for which itwas originally supplied to us. 1.2 In the event thatany Data submitted by Users is to be transferred in such a manner,you will not be contacted in advance and informed of the changes.
8. Controlling Use ofYour Data
1.1 Wherever you arerequired to submit Data, you will be given options to restrict ouruse of that Data. This may include the following: 1.a.1 use of Data fordirect marketing purposes; and 1.a.2 sharing Data withthird parties.
9. Your Right toWithhold Information
1.1 You may accesscertain areas of the Website without providing any Data at all. However, to use all features and functions available on the Websiteyou may be required to submit certain Data. 1.2 You may restrictyour internet browser’s use of Cookies. For more information seeClause 12.
10. Accessing your ownData
You have the right toask for a copy of any of your personal Data held by TraxRecord (wheresuch data is held) on payment of a small fee which will not exceed£10.00.
11. Security
1.1 Data security is ofgreat importance to TraxRecord and to protect your Data we have putin place suitable physical, electronic and managerial procedures tosafeguard and secure Data collected via this Website.
12. Cookies
1.1 This Website mayplace and access certain first party Cookies on your computer. Firstparty cookies are those placed directly by TraxRecord via thisWebsite and are used only by TraxRecord. TraxRecord uses Cookies toimprove your experience of using the Website and to improve our rangeof products AND/OR services. TraxRecord has carefully chosen theseCookies and has taken steps to ensure that your privacy is protectedand respected at all times. 1.2 By using thisWebsite you may receive certain third party Cookies on your computer. Third party cookies are those placed by websites and/or partiesother than TraxRecord. Third party cookies are used on this Websitefor measuring user experiences, and/or providing advertising servicesare detailed in full below. These cookies are not integral to theservices provided by the Website. 1.3 All Cookies used bythis Website are used in accordance with current UK and EU CookieLaw. 1.4 Before Cookies areplaced on your computer, subject to sub-Clause 1.5 AND/OR sub-Clause1.8, you will be presented with message bar requesting your consentto set those Cookies. By giving your consent to the placing ofCookies you are enabling TraxRecord to provide the best possibleexperience and service to you. You may, if you wish, deny consent tothe placing of Cookies; however certain features of the Website maynot function fully or as intended. 1.5 Certain features ofthe Website depend upon Cookies to function. UK and EU Cookie Lawdeems these Cookies to be “strictly necessary”. These Cookiesare shown below. Your consent will not be sought to place theseCookies. You may still block these cookies by changing your internetbrowser’s settings as detailed below. 1.6 The following firstparty Cookies may be placed on your computer: Name of Cookie:CertifyDirect, Purpose: Enhanced user experience and thefollowing third party Cookies may be placed on your computer: Nameof Cookie: None at the moment. Purpose: 1.7 This Website usesanalytics services provided by Google Analytics. Website analyticsrefers to a set of tools used to collect and analyse usagestatistics, enabling us to better understand how Users use theWebsite. This, in turn, enables us to improve the Website and theproducts AND/OR services offered through it. You do not have toallow us to use these Cookies, as detailed below, however whilst ouruse of them does not pose any risk to your privacy or your safe useof the Website, it does enable us to continually improve ourbusiness. 1.8 The analyticsservices used by this Website use Cookies to gather the requiredinformation. Certain of these Cookies may be placed immediately whenyou decide to visit the Website and it may not be possible to obtainyour prior consent. You may remove these Cookies and prevent futureuse of them by following the steps set out below. 1.9 You can choose toenable or disable Cookies in your internet browser. Most internetbrowsers also enable you to choose whether you wish to disable allcookies or only third party cookies. By default, most internetbrowsers accept Cookies but this can be changed. For furtherdetails, please consult the help menu in your internet browser. 1.10 You can choose todelete Cookies at any time however you may lose any information thatenables you to access the Website more quickly and efficientlyincluding, but not limited to, personalisation settings. 1.11 It is recommendedthat you ensure that your internet browser is up-to-date and that youconsult the help and guidance provided by the developer of yourinternet browser if you are unsure about adjusting your privacysettings.
13. Changes to thisPolicy
TraxRecord reserves theright to change this Policy as we may deem necessary from time totime or as may be required by law. Any changes will be immediatelyposted on the Website and you are deemed to have accepted the termsof the Policy on your first use of the Website following thealterations. |